A Few of Our Favorite Videos

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Chaparral with Huell Howser's California Green Join Huell Howser and Richard Halsey as they share the secrets of the chaparral in southern California

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TEDx The Magic of the Chaparral Enjoy an engaging TED talk with the California Chaparral Institute's founder and director, Richard Halsey.

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The Value of Chaparral! We are honored to share this video about why chaparral is such a special place. It was produced by our friend Jack, an inspired young man who has been tirelessly championing Nature for the past few years through his fabulous YouTube channel, Jack 4 the Planet. Grizzly bears, manzanita, tarantula hawks, spadefoot toads, and Wrentits; they're all there! Plus, a unique perspective at the end.

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Living with Fire - Deleted Scenes from the official USGS film Here is a short compilation of deleted scenes from the official government film, "Living with Fire." Although we made significant contributions, our presence in the film was cut from the final version - the folks in Washington D.C. didn't like the science because it was in conflict with their policies.
Our Living Wild Series

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LW1: Wherefore art thou Chaparral? Ever wondered what and where chaparral is? In this installment of Living Wild our Chaparralians, Rick and Robby, explore and explain the chaparral habitat.

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LW2: To Be or Not to Be... NATIVE. Discover the magic of bringing native plants into your yard as Greg Rubin (owner, California's Own Native Landscape Design), Mike Evans (founder of the Tree of Life Nursery), and fellow Chaparralian Mary share their wisdom.

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LW3: Part I - An Owl! An Owl! My Kingdom for and Owl! We begin our journey to discover the wonders of the Burrowing Owl.

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LW4: Part II - An Owl! An Owl! My Kingdom For an Owl! Discover the wonders of the burrowing owl in this second part of a three part series!

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LW5: Part III - An Owl, An Owl, My Kingdom for an Owl! Learn how Caltrans is helping to save the burrowing owl in the final, exciting installment of our video series on this special, little friend of ours.

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LW6: Mission Manzanita Join us as we search for the elusive seedlings of California's Mission Manzanita.

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LW7: Wolves in California The Wolves are Back in California! Join Lil' Red Robby from the Hood and Grizzly Adams as they discuss why wolves are so important to us!

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Maritime Chaparral North Coast Central Maritime Chaparral is one of the rarest forms of chaparral on earth. Join us with manzanita experts Mike Vasey, Tom Parker, and Brett Hall as they explain why maritime chaparral is so awesome!

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We Miss You Huell
When you were with Huell, you felt like you were the most famous person alive. He let you know what an incredible honor it was to be with you. That was his magic. That was why he was so loved, and will continue to be so. He made people feel valuable, special, important. Always.
We miss you, my friend.
We miss you, my friend.